lately I’ve stopped missing you
wanting you, stopped reaching out and wishing I was holding you
and most profoundly stopped resenting you
for the space that you fill
the space that you fill in my mind
the voice that I still hear in my thought
somewhere between my ears
between the thumps of my heart
between my empty fingers-that space you fill in my life
and its because you filled it-that I found myself rendered helpless
or running away from any figure who could fill it just as well
or maybe better, or even half as well
because how could I allows anyone to occupy your space
and how can I allow you, even after a year and nine months
to keep filling it
and worse expanding it-which I only just realized
cant be healthy for my heart
and I feel like because I still missed you
I was running some kind of screening process
And allowing myself to conduct so many interviews
To fill this position that cannot be filled by any other
But there’s only so much space filled with substance I don’t understand
That I can take in my life
And what I really need now is to be contained and get rid of all of the excess
And I’m sorry but yes that means your space too
That means the time, the thoughts, the tears, the reach, the wish, the hope
The waiting, the wanting, the wondering where you are and when I’ll see you again
Wondering why you don’t call, why I don’t, if I can
Why we never ever have that awkward silence
Why you think the way you do, say the things you say, and make the decisions you make
If you feel the way I do
At least at some point I know we did
The problem was the space once again
The space between us, the spaces that filled with so many other things
That we as the other couldn’t understand
The spaces that filled and changes as we changed-if we changed
And the space where we used to fit perfectly like a puzzle
Now filled with unsurity, insecurity- too much pain for us to keep trying to take the puzzle off the shelf and put it back together…
And at this point we can’t even recognize what picture it once made, so I give up
Its like spring cleaning, house cleaning, time for a yard sale
To conserve more space-cuz-maybe cuz it hurts to be so spread out?
Or maybe I’m just selfish
And tired of allocating you so much space
And feeling disappointment for one reason or another because of you
Or maybe its not selfish and I’m just tired
Just feeling so much fatigue from continuing to reserve your seat
To make this reservation for you
To stay so emotionally reserved
When its hard-when I wonder if I shouldn’t
Certain words and feelings are so heavy
And I’m just tired of feeling so weighed down
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